Thursday, May 10, 2012


Welcome to the Park.  This was our humble abode.

Days in the Serengeti appear relatively peaceful with all manner of grazing animals mixing with each other and even the predators lazing nearby. Night, however, is dangerous to your health.  Each animal has to think this night may be my last.  We came upon a wildebeest kill being devoured by hyenas, vultures and storks.

 We saw another wildebeest with a broken leg--tonight's dinner.

The secretary bird walks like he's wearing high heels.

We had an hour+ showdown with a herd of more than 30 elephants.  They kept us between the river and them.  They had little babies and the matriarch wasn't pleased with our presence.

 A young bull debates whether to charge us.

The highlight of that day was the leopard.  They don't like rain so took shelter under the tiki roof at a picnic area.

The "roads" were nothing more than dirt tracks and since this was the rainy season, there was lots of mud, sometimes a foot deep and you had to drive in the ruts.  Our last day of safari was a travel day from one lodge to the next and our driver was going faster than he would have if we had been looking for animals.
He must have gotten out of the ruts and the vehicle fishtailed wildly as he tried to correct.  We drove up the side of the ditch, and slowly rolled over on one side.  I looked out my window to see mud and gravel.  Everyone on the right side fell on those of us on the left, EXCEPT the guy next to me who was the only one with a seat belt on. We had to crawl out through the pop-up roof, shaken but unhurt.


  1. Great pictures and I enjoyed the blog and hope to see more. I'm Alix's friend

  2. Glad everything turned out ok and no one was hurt!
