Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sex Tour

Our guide explained how most animals timed their mating for the calves to be dropped when the grass was lush and they would have 3 months to grow and gain strength for the migration north.  This all started when a Blacksmith Plover alighted momentarily on the back of a female and someone said, "That was a quickie."  From that we went to lions mating, Impala bucks fighting for dominion over the harem, giraffe "packages", reading baboon butts for signs of estrus:

We noticed some goats in the Masai herds sporting red and yellow plastic "aprons".  Asked about this, our guide explained that the Masai too only wanted their goats to mate at certain times when the grass was plentiful.  We dubbed these "goat condoms."  Like what this elephant is wearing. (Borrowed picture)

But some guys are ready any time.

Five-legged zebras, blue-balled monkeys

 elicited ribald laughter in which our guide joined, although perhaps a bit embarrassed.  "You naughty ladies."

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! When I went to Kruger with my parents a few years ago, my mom innocently and absent-mindedly asked our guide how one could tell the male zebras from the females. As we slowly drove by a herd, everyone saw the fifth leg on the reigning stallion. And there was much mirth and my mom's expense.
